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        //\/____/ /_____  ___  / /______/ /_  ____ _
          / ___/ //_/ _ \/ _ \/ __/ ___/ __ \/ __ `/
         (__  ) ,< /  __/  __/ /_/ /__/ / / / /_/ / 
        /____/_/|_|\___/\___/\__/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/  
       I am a musician, a gamer, a filmmaker, an actor, and a person whose life is
       filled with slashes (from saying this/that/the other thing/etc., not from
       the other kind of slash). I make video games, I write and produce music, and
       I like to act (in fact, I'm looking to getting into voice acting sometime
       in the future).
       You can email me at my tilde email (skeetcha@tilde.team) if you'd like to
       contact me on here.
 (DIR) back to tilde.team
 (DIR) ..                                                                         
 (DIR) blog                                           2020-Jul-31 01:29        -  
 (DIR) phlog                                          2018-Jul-12 03:35        -  
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