(???) xpr: syntax error: unexpected argument ‘2000’
         /\//              __    
        //\/________  ____/ /____
          / ___/ __ \/ __  / ___/
         (__  ) / / / /_/ / /    
        /____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/     
       I am sndr, and welcome to my gopherhole.
       You are visitor number .
       If you have questions or comments, please shoot me a mail at
 (DIR) Another goshdarn phlog!
 (DIR) Where the commitments are.
 (DIR) Cool commands.
 (DIR) Shit | sed 's/Shit/Scripts/' | sed 's/$/ I need help with/'
 (DIR) Other places I look at.
 (TXT) Where I'm at ('finger sndr@tilde.team' may work more reliably.)
                              Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 x86_64