Oops, I deleted my feels with a careless rsync! I think I have it fixed now... NOPE. Oh jeez. I'm not sure what to do about this. Standby. Got it now! Like a dummy, I didn't read the setup when it was setting me up. --- Today has been okay. I got off work early, so that was nice. I updated my main site, and found a lot of old wordpress blogs that I can link to somehow. I am getting really strong deja vu right now. Did I write this before? ## NOPE What's been going on lately? I have been having a lot of deja vu. What does that mean? Is something about to happen? Am I just in a manic period? ## Parade We're having a parade today in a neighborhood in town. By "we," I mean "the people who live in the neighborhood" -- but a lot of politicians will be there. I'm not feeling patriotic today. I haven't been for a while. I think I should confront my congressman about the children at the border, but I'm too chickenshit to do it.