Happy new year! I don't know about resolutions - I've never been very good at keeping things like that. I'm working on figuring out some things using a Passion Planner (https://passionplanner.com - they sell them there, but also have .pdf versions for you to print out so that cost is not an issue). I'm trying to slowly layer things into my life that will lead to better health. I think the focus for me this next year is feeling healthy. That's a bigger mess of things than it looks at first glance. It includes things like exercise, eating healthier, losing weight - but also feeling more congruent in gender expression and how I present myself to the world. I've been hesitant to pursue HRT, but I've finally gotten myself a therapist and there's a possibility that's the right thing for the future. It would certainly complicate things at work - I work remotely, but present in a more masculine way (since that's how I was when I got hired). That will probably have to change in the future, but I find that incredibly scary. I think the first step in that is activating existing community that I have and see where that goes. Spend more time on tilde.town is on my short term list as well. I miss this place, and I really need to work on being part of an active community. I had ideas for art and writing that I wanted to do last year for the zine that I never got around to. I'm kinda sick of never getting around to things that are important to me, so I'm going to be making explicit time for them in the coming year. <3 Allie. P.S. - I've made an account change. I've used the moniker frankblues around the net for many years, and it doesn't feel quite right anymore. alliesanders makes a lot more sense for me, and it's what I'll be using from here on out.