Finally getting to my hair today. My hair is usually dyed a bright red, which requires bleaching it first before applying the deeply colored hair dye. I'm in the bleaching part today, which means my scalp hurts a little and I need to sit still and not lean against anything for a half hour. Yesterday I tested out livestreaming a DJ set on Twitch for the first time. It was more of a feeling out of the technology and seeing how I feel about live performance. The technology part is a bit difficult - I've got the DJ software running on an older Mac, and the stream software running on an older PC, which means I need to get the Mac video and audio over to the stream PC somehow. Turns out there's a piece of software called NDI made by NewTek that makes the video easy, but the audio part has been a pain. Latency is always going to be an issue, but I'm quite pleased with the results and looking forward to maybe trying it again later. The performing part was only a little nervewracking - the part that I most dislike is trying to talk while playing, and doing that over chat instead of voice actually made it a lot better. There's also a bit of... idk, embarassment at my hacked together setup which is then balanced a bit by a kind of pride in hacking together a setup that works. I can stream successfully without going out and buying a whole bunch of equipment. That makes me feel good.