+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | THE GARDEN | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [!] No ionizing radiations were used to alter plants' DNA. [!] | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ .::::::::::::::::::::::::. : Babbling with the aloe : '''''''''''''''''''''''''' --- You grow nostalgic about the early days with your aloe. My very first time on tilde.town as well... It was just a seed. --- You reflect on when your aloe was just a seedling. Time passes: I'm getting older and fat. But you love me aloe, no matter what I am. --- You feel like your aloe appreciates your care. Aloe doesn't talk so can't complain. That's why relationships goes bad nowadays and ppl buy plants and pets... But I'm sure my aloe loves me. (Sorry for leaving you four days without water) --- You fondly remember the time you spent caring for your aloe. Entering ssh, typing "town botany" and water almost every day? I wish it was so easy for everything else. --- The aloe fills you with love. Fill me by turning into tequila, oh my beloved aloe!!! --- You're excited to start growing your next plant. See you next time, aloe! .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. : NOW AFTER SAYING BULLSHIT TO MY FIRST PLANT : : IT'S TIME TO ADMIRE THE NATURE : ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Welcome to the garden of the atomicdisintegrator! | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | godly singing white seed-bearing aloe \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Generation: 1 | Growth rate: 1.0x | +-----------------------------------+ .\ .| \\ || ._ ..\ \\. //. // \ \.\|v ||// \\\ || // '| \ / / . , _ . .\ |,/_ ., _ . +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | godly black seed-bearing hemp \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Generation: 2 | Growth rate: 1.2x | +-----------------------------------+ ^ ^+^ + ^+^+ \+^+^/ ^+\|^/^/ \+^\|/ ^ ^+\|+/+/ . , _ . ., l/ _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | godly violet seed-bearing columbine \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Generation: 3 | Growth rate: 1.4x | +-----------------------------------+ \ | / | &|/ |& / &\ | / / \| \|&| &\/&/ . , _ . ., &/ _ ., _ . ^ ' ` '