The tree out front is starting to grow leaves again! Things are turning green and the sky looks so, so blue. Was it that blue during the winter? It always amazes me how I forget what spring looks like until it rolls around. The equinox is on Saturday and I'm more excited than I have reason to be. Seeing things growing again just makes me happy. The terror and uncertainty of last spring has numbed a bit, and although things certainly aren't great, I feel like I can actually see the possibility of things changing for the better. I'm grateful that I'm mostly okay at the moment. The last frost date hasn't quite passed yet, but I want to start planting things. I hesitate to start a garden, though. I'm (hopefully) moving in a few months, and I know no one is going to take care of it after I leave. Maybe I'll find something easy to grow that can be harvested in the summertime. Tomatoes, maybe? I think I have a list saved somewhere. I've also been trying to get back into the more spiritual/witchy stuff I do. I did a small new moon ritual on Sunday night and it felt really good. I'm trying to turn towards meditation when I feel myself getting agitated or anxious during the day and I think it's helping. I'm still using a folded up blanket as a mini meditation cushion - it would be a nice project to crochet an actual one. I'd have to go buy stuffing though, so maybe not. I've been wanting to start some sort of tarot log on here, maybe even just general musings on tarot. I have notebooks full of old readings and journaling that might be nice to read again. Also, I finally ordered a copy of Melissa Cynova's Kitchen Table Tarot the other day and I'm excited for it to arrive! I've only wanted that book for what, maybe a year and a half now? I kind of gave up when I couldn't find it at the library. Hopefully it'll be here sometime next week. I enjoyed writing all this out. There are more tilde things I want to do, but everything always gets pushed back because I feel like I'm always drowning in work. Someday I'll figure that all out. In the meantime, I need to go cook dinner! I'm making chow mein tonight and I think it's going to be delicious.