The past few days have kind of felt like an emotional rollercoaster. I'm currently playing a CTF, which is part of it. Nothing like a CTF to make me wildly go back and forth between feeling like an idiot and feeling like a genius. I'm learning new things and there are some cool challenges, so it's pretty good overall. I'm not going to win anything, but that's okay. I got an email this afternoon to notify me that I can actually have an apartment in the fall! Now I just have to wait a few more weeks to see if I can move in over the summer. I'm also desparately hoping that they honor my roommate requests. University housing is complicated and having to move out when COVID hit only made it worse, but at least things are starting to get worked out. Linear algebra has been stressing me out recently, but I spent some time studying today and it doesn't feel as scary any more. I still don't know what a lagrange polynomial is, but I think that's a problem for next week me. Oh, and I made waffles on Sunday! I was planning to make a bunch and then freeze them for later, but there wasn't enough batter. I had a nice dinner, though! Those waffles are a tasty way to use up some sourdough discard. :)