Hello! It's been a while! Life is hectic as always, but this morning was my last midterm of the semester, so I have a few mildly chill weeks until finals start to happen. I have registration for next semester tomorrow morning. There are still open spots in all the classes that I want to take, so unless something goes terribly wrong in the next 16 hours, I should get the schedule I want. I'm excited for next semester! I'll be taking some interesting classes & I won't be working, so I'll actually have time to, you know, be a student. (I still need to let my boss know that I won't be working when January rolls around but I'll deal with that in a week or two...) Today is cold and rainy, typical November weather. It's pretty cozy. (Of course, right as I write that, the landscaping dudes start up their noisy leaf blowers. It's raining, guys! You're just blowing water and wet grass around! but whatever). I think tonight I'll do some reading for school and then some reading for fun, maybe even something as scandalous as a video game!!! I've been having a hard time relaxing lately, so doing some non-work sounds good. A few other random things - I've been thinking about grad school. I keep going back and forth, partly because grad school is expensiveeee but also because I'd be using it as my excuse to move out of the state I currently live in and that's something I really want to do! Also, I just want more school. I love learning and I feel like I'm just now starting to get into the good stuff, but I only have about a year left of undergrad. Also, COVID kind of made last academic year a blurry haze of sitting in front of my computer and feeling miserable, so I don't think anyone can blame me for wanting more "real" school. There are just a lot of decisions that I'd have to make. Thinking about the future is both exciting and a bit terrifying. In the slightly closer future, I have a second interview for an internship on Thursday. I feel pretty good about it, and I think I'd enjoy the position and the team. I knew all the tech questions they asked me (for the most part), I just kind of struggled with putting my thoughts into coherent words. My ability to at least seem confident and friendly is certainly helpful. It would be nice to get the position and not have to worry about spending all my free time trying to get an internship, but I'll be okay with whatever happens. I'm trying to be slightly more chill about things. Okay, last thing that I want to ramble about. I still haven't found a therapist, even though that was one of my goals for October... oops. I have a few that might be good, I just need to call them and figure out who would work best and all that. I really need to get this done, it's just kind of a hassle to set up. And especially since I'd like to find someone who is experienced with helping autistic folks. I've suspected that I'm autistic for the past few years, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I need therapy to help with my anxiety (that keeps getting worse as time goes on), but I think it would be hard to really get to the root cause of that without considering autism (or at least having to function in a neurotypical world where there are lots of rules I neither understand nor can follow). That makes things harder and a bit more anxiety-inducing. During this research I learned that an official autism diagnosis can cost several thousand dollars (yikes) and tbh I don't think I need that anyway, especially since I don't know what the legal/insurance implications are). Also, I'm an adult, I look like a cis female (kind of), and I seem relatively well adjusted (mostly) - I'm worried that I'd pick someone and they'd immediately brush it off with a "no, your grades are too good for someone who has autism!" or a "no, you're a girl and you act normally, you can't have autism!". Just another thing to worry about, I guess. I've rambled for far too long, but these are the things on my mind these days. I still have a bit more work and another class to go to this evening, so I'm going to do that! Hopefully I'll be more active on tilde.town soon <3