- drove out of the city and out into the country and hiked up a mountain just to get away from it all. Saw two people I know. - I've got some concerns about the viability of the fediverse and about mastodon specifically, but i've noticed that that every time I pop over to the bird site from there, it just seems more hostile and alarmed and generally slightly more awful, and then I retreat back to mastodon which feels a little bit more civilized and I don't know whether that is because there are just fewer people there in general or whether it hasn't been as weaponized and commercialized as the other site (more actual people; fewer corporations, bots, and trolls) or whether the federated nature of the thing allow users to group together and cluster together around a shared interest and in doing so feel more of a community and more of a togetherness that squashes down the silos--locally at least--and the us-vs-them-ism.