- I slack off at work way too much. - "I Got The" by Labi Siffre is my new favorite song. - I started a bullet journal. Again. We'll see how long this one lasts. I rarely feel busy enough to need any kind of a system, but then two or three times a year I get busy enough to need something to help me keep track of stuff, but then I stop being busy and abandon my system. - my ice maker is broken at home and the ice maker at work is also broken and I don't know what I'm supposed to do, just go out and buy a whole bunch of ice like a cave man? Before the invention of modern refrigeration, people used to have to carve huge blocks of ice out of frozen lakes and whatnot and load them up onto a train and then transport these huge blocks of ice by train to locations that were still to warm to have ice, or which were to warm to EVER have ice. I remember reading about a village of people who had never seen ice before and the first delivery of ice was a huge life-changing event for them. - I've just finished reading two books about racism in America. They were both really heavy, and I'm having a bit of a hard time with it because I try really hard to live my life in such a way that I not only simply don't do harm, but also lift people up and try to empower them, and I haven't before now and up to this point had a lot of exposure to the fact that by virture of where and when I was born, I have been passively and actively participating in this system that exploits and enslaves and murders entire populations of people solely for my benefit. - apparently the dudes just came by and replaced the ice maker at home. That's nice. Havin' ice. I'm about to leave in a few minutes to go teach Yin, which sounds really appealing to me at the moment. I'd love to take a class right now instead of teaching one. And then I need to go home and get a ton of work done tonight. (While sipping iced beverages!) Remember when I said I slack off at work too much? Yeah, that's coming back to bite me in the behind right about now. - just finished teaching. Got to announce to the class that the studio is closing. That felt weird and sad. There were two big chocoloate chip cookies on the counter when class was over so I ate them and they tasted really good. Met the girls at the hotel to watch the end of the game. Came home and the ice maker still seems to be broken.