@vilmibm @joniwoni re: capturing good moods for projects and productivity I think that's a normal way to feel. I just read *Marbles*, a memoir about mental illness. Manic Depression, specifically, which is what I have always called it, but the author never calls it that, always favoring Bipolar. - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13542990-marbles Anyway, for a long time she refused to medicate herself properly, fearing the side effects of medication: the dulling of her thoughts and senses, a loss of identity and personality, etc. (Spoiler alert: she eventually medicates and gets WAY better and healthier.) One of the things she tried to do when not taking her medication (and not taking her conditions seriously) was to schedule activities, jobs, and projects for times in the future that she predicted and forecasted to coincide with different swings in her mood. Slow, easy work for depressive cycles. More high energy, creative work for her manic cycles. This did not work. Depression was often too depressing for even the easiest work. And a manic is too wild and grandiose to abide by anybody else's plans, even those of their own past self! I don't know what, if anything, I mean imply or suggest by mentioning this. One way around the issue might be to just not do shit. If you don't do shit, then you can't feel bad for not doing something. And you won't feel pressured later to run around and catch up just because you're feeling happy and/or energetic, because there's not shit for you to catch up on. I'm not talking about being lazy or literally doing nothing, but instead very deliberately and with calculation cutting things out of your life which might *feel* important, but which are ultimately non-essential. - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18077875-essentialism ## random ## - I feel like in order to live my best life I need 8 hours of sleep a night and at least 3 naps during the day - being social on feels/gopher is weird. I never know whether to just mail people directly, or start a reply in my own feels and just assume/hope that my target audience sees it. - changed my name from cpb to dozens. thanks vilmibm!