Went to the ball ================ went to the ball on saturday. the book lovers ball. it was a ball for the lovers of books. i got really angry because my tuxedo shirt was missing all of its buttons. and it was also slightly too small but it has always been slightly too small. the sleeves are too short and it is too tight across the shoulders: when I bent down to put on my shoes I could barely bend my arms down enough to lace them up. And finally my jacket was missing its button. It only has the one. except now it has zero. And so I couldn't close my jacket without just crossing my hands in front of myself and just holding the jacket shut. but I went to the ball any way in my jacked up tux because it's the only tuxedo I have, and that's what you wear to fancy balls. i was pretty pouty about it for a couple minutes largely because it just wasn't what I was expecting and I was disappointed with my Past Self for realing how all messed up the suit was, or if they *did* notice, well then they should have left a note of something. But then I got over it and we went, and I ended up having a great time, and I don't think anybody really even noticed that my suit was so horrible. It was only horrible to me, and even I didn't care that much. I haven't been drinking alcohol really at all as of late. It's been a couple months at least. But I had several drinks. Gin on the rocks. > Drinks before dinner > and wine with dinner > and after dinner drinks > > -LWIII > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpdFEQ-983s So drinks and dinner and dancing and then home. 5 stars all around. We tried tabulating and counting on our fingers and recalling, and we decided that this was our tenth year in a row going to the ball, which means that we've been going for a decade now, which is a considerable amount of time. Especially considering that we've only been together for 16 years ourselves as a couple. We've been going to the ball together for over half the time we've been a couple. doctor who ========== spoilers: just watched the first episode of the new season of doctor who. i'm going to go ahead and give it two thumbs up. interested in seeing whittaker continuing to develop her portrayal. she already seems less alien and arrogant, and more friendly and empathetic. - didn't know what dyspraxia was, but I kinda feel like if you have a coordination disorder, maybe you're just not meant to ride a bike. - the sheffield accents were a bit thick. was tempted to reach for the subtitles once or twice - the monster was pretty scary, old Tim Shaw. extra funny because I know a Tim Shaw. He's not covered in teeth tho - Sad that Grace/Nan died. that was really too bad. not sure it was really necessary. we'll see I guess. - the boy and his sister were a random bit of side-plot. maybe Tim Shaw will recurr and they'll save the sister? they made kind of a big point of saying the trophies are held in stasis.