Some dude on a motorized scooter low-speed crashed into me this morning while I was crossing the street near my house. We were both in the crosswalk, and I became aware of him right behind me. I stepped left to get out of his way just as he broke left to pass me. Then we both over corrected to the right to double get out of the way, and then suddenly it was too late to avoid a collision. As he bailed, he ever so gently just kind of landed against me like he was giving me a soft hug from behind and then, hands on my shoulders, he whispered in my ear, "Sorry, bro" and I reached back and gave him a weird kind of one-armed reverse hug to say it was okay, and then he scooted away. It was all very quick and kind of intimate I told my coworker about it and he said, "If that's not a bromance idk what is" and he squinted his eyes and gazed off into the middle distance while nodding his head, "I'd watch that movie."