## squirrel ## a small squirrel came up to my office door--which is the door to our back yard--yesterday morning and looked in the through the screen and just kind of idled there for a little bit. Then the power went out for a couple hours. My laptop had a full charge, so I grabbed my cell phone to tether some internet, and went and sat outside under the oak tree and a squirrel--I like to imagine it was the same one--chattered and barked at me the whole time. Social little guy. Made me wonder whether the previous owner fed the squirrels or something. ## nano ## Had a small Text Editor Wars convo on #tildetown yesterday. I had just discovered that my new pinebook pro shipped without vi/vim or emacs, and seemed to only have nano as a text editor. (I didn't think to check if it had something like joe, which I only know about because of town.) So I had just made the bold claim that nano is a garbage text editor, no better than notepad.exe, which is something that I have believed for a long time. Several townies jumped in to say that they use nano, and even use nano exclusively under certain situations. ~twee pointed out that nano can record and play back macros, which is something I never knew before. That is an advanced editor feature, and ~twee successfully changed a long held belief of mine. I no longer think that nano is a worthless text editor on par with notepad.exe. I now think that it is a decent, feature-light kind of editor for people who don't want to bother learning vim or if the don't like modal editing, or if they don't want to bother with emacs. ## justified text in vim ## vim tricks: I have long admired how people on gopher make beautifully aligned and formatted text, and I couldn't really find a good way to create that effect myself. ~cat famously formats theirs all by hand! I finally came across a couple recommendations for `par` and it ended up being just the thing! You can pipe text through it with, e.g., `par -w69j` to justify paragraphs and it turns out super great! Then you can have vim use par to format paragraphs by adding this line to your vimrc: ``` set formatprg=par\ -w69j ``` Then you can use the `gq` command to format your paragraphs in vim like a dream!