But what if I'm a mermaid ========================= Got on a Tori Amos kick the other night. Fell down a rabbit hole and learned that she has a strong, longstanding friendship with Neil Gaiman, and has mentioned him in a lot of songs. Listened to Silent All These Years, which is a *great* track, and this part, as it always does, leapt out at me: > So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts > What's so amazing about really deep thoughts? > Boy, you best pray that I bleed real soon genius.com asserts that the final line is a threatening sort of way to tell "Boy" that he best pray she get her period soon, which makes complete, total, and utter since, and which is such an obvious interpretation, and one which I never made, being a dude who didn't grow up around girls. Given the juxtaposition of *deep thoughts* and being silent, and finding one's voice, I always thought of *bleed* in the sense of a pouring out of emotions, a laying bare of one's most private thoughts. As in, "writing is easy. Just sit at the typewriter and bleed."