About this Gopherhole My name is pentangle, and I'm interested in human-centered lo-fi technology that brings like-minded people closer together. I also like computer games, and this gopherhole will focus on games first with connections and tech closely following. Here you'll find reviews and articles for games both new and old, focusing on those that can be played on almost any hardware. Obvious choices are text-based roguelikes and other terminal games, but low-poly 3D and low-resource 2D games will also be featured. Additionally, I won't be ignoring emulators, but it goes without saying that I can't actually talk about where to find the games. If you wanna see things get a little heated, I'll also be ranting about modern video games and why I think they've gone awry. Join me!! If you have any cool ideas or want to suggest a game, send me a message. Grandiose Visions Wouldn't it be cool if we started a little lo-fi gaming society? CLI games at 1.4 Ghz, shared high score tables, games of the week, and maybe even realtime multiplayer. Have any cool ideas? Let's talk about it!! I don't know if anyone's gonna see this, but it sounds fun to me. I wanna give it a shot. The Meta Every modern gopherhole needs its article about Gopher, so I'll just slap it in here. Yes, I love the idea of a zero-bullshit information delivery protocol. I don't usually like seeing all the flashiness of the modern web, and that disdain transfers to other parts of my life. Plain text is immensely useful and enduring, and Gopher exemplifies just how good it can be. I also like using software like vimwiki, which just takes plain text and links it together into a wiki-like format. I use vim for a lot of my work, though I have to transfer it to a word processor before finalizing it. Anyway, plain text and light protocols are very cool. I can't really say anything else that hasn't already been said.