Homework Working on lab report. Not really sure how to get inductance and capacitance from the diameters of this thing (cylindric capacitor) without also knowing the permittivity and permeability of the dielectric. I guess I could do a rudimentary calculation with just constants, setting permeability to 1 and permittivity to the permittivity of free space instead of its actual material? Would that be allowed in the lab report? The manual is pretty explicit that we use L and C to calculate other values and then compare them to the experimentally determined values. But then the last part of the analysis is to then use the experimentally determined vals to find L and C. Alright, since I'm using feels as a way to get this off my chest without bugging my lab partner. Here we go. Part 1 calls for calculating L and C from the diameters of the inner and outer conductors. They didn't outline a method to do this, just said it's in any E&M textbook. Fair enough, this is a third year lab, we should be expected to do our own math. So I used two different textbooks because fuck yeah, libretexts! Anyway, textbooks generally agree that you need the permeability and permittivity for those, unless you wanna go the Q/V route for capacitance. But we didn't measure the potential difference across the inner and outer conductor (not possible in our case, cable) so we can't do that. Ending this right now to work. Fuck it why not. Worst case scenario we get marks off.