Week is almost over. Handed in my Friday assignment just now, incomplete. Despite being one of the first people to start the assignment. Haha. Well, anyway, didn't do the Thursday assignment because I found out we get late marks instead of automatic fails, unlike my other courses, so I'll be doing that this weekend. Been having a lot more body issues this year. Just pulled a muscle again, and it's been happening a lot. Well idk if it's pullign a muscle but it's been hurting for a while and it happened because I tried getting up weirdly and bent something. Random muscles have been twitching lately and I'm just hoping none of them decide to spasm again like in the first week of January because my foot still has not recovered from that. Actually that foot is doing pretty bad. I'm worried there's something genuinely wrong with it now, because it's been hurting since then and I know some bones got shifted out of alignment because I had to spend January 6th trying to push them back into place. And it's been hurting since but I figured it's because I haven't had time to rest at all so far. Probably not helping. Anyway currently my upper back is giving me issues so I'm going to cut this short before I launch into discussing way more TMI shit. Also the silver sauce bowls have been in use as mask holders this term, looks quite nice to grab a mask out of a silver goblet-like thing.