i keep repeating this, but i'm learning so much in the process of putting ttbp together. i just wanted to take a second and step back and look at it. *user-end version checking/patching*---since there are people running this program who aren't me, if i make drastic changes to the infrastructure of the program, i have to find ways to communicate this to users, and step them through updates if needed. the way i'm doing this now is that everyone has a version marker that the program looks at, compares it to what it's expecting, and then performs relevant updates. so far, it seems to be working okay; i've gotten fewer bug reports since i started doing this, at least. it also forces me to slow down and be more deliberate with my changes, making sure everything makes sense and that i can communicate new features or small tweaks. *documentation/style*---usually, when i document my code, i put little scratches here and there so i can pick things up again later. at one point, ttbp got too big for this to work, so i read up on documentation conventions for python. the biggest change was when i realized i could just docstring everything and have stuff show up in pydoc. i know what i like reading in *other* pydoc modules, and that's started to change how i think about writing my own documentation. i'm thinking about my code more in terms of how legible it is for other people. i've always been shy about letting other people read my code, mostly out of fear of judgement for how bad of a coder i perceive myself as being. but, that's changed quite a bit here, and i've appreciated having a few other people poke through my repo and make comments and suggestions here and there. i've still got so much to learn, and a lot of polish all around, but i'm very proud of what i'm building here! i never knew i could feel this good about pounding out code, both from what i like of the internal state, and what it looks like when it's running. this is one of many side projects of mine right now, and it's probably the one i'm most fond of at the moment. it's stretching me as a person and letting me work on some really satisfying skills, putting me right at the exciting part of the learning curve where it seems like i'll never run out of things to work on. i dropped out of my undergrad computer science program because many different things were causing me pain and stress that i didn't know how to resolve. slowly, i've been working back and undoing some of those. i feel good, ttbp. thanks for asking!