*the days are growing shorter; i always feel a desire for the long, lonely path. winter will pass, but i do not want to waste another season.* --- TTBP DEV NOTES stuff i'm thinking about, now that we're seeing more bugs/glitches: * a post/list displayer that lets you scroll through long lists, instead of just running everything off the page. * i really want to have a slick curses interface, but i haven't made much progress on figuring that out. i have some pagination code that i could kludge in from another project, but then i'd have to figure out an elegant way to capture commands * figure out how to deal with filenames and edit times being out of sync * currently, ttbp uses last edit time to handle display order; maybe have it check to see if the edit time date doesn't match the filename spec, and always have it list as if it was last edited on the date of the filename? * handle global feels listing more elegantly * this is a major scaling issue that i'm paying for now because i was lazy several months ago. the way global feels is sorted, ttbp goes through and finds every single ttbp entry ever, then sorts them by last modified time, then takes the top 10. this happens *every* time someone calls global feels. a much better way to do this would be to maintain a file on disk that list the path for the ten most recent posts, which gets updated whenever someone updates a post, and then have global feels query that. * the problem with *that* is that it will then *definitely* miss posts that weren't written through the ttbp interface, and i don't want to exclude people who might just want to write entries in their ~/.ttbp/entries through a text editor outside of ttbp. i'm starting to feel a little over my head with working on this; if anyone else has feedback or thoughts, especially for code stuff (but just general comments are great, too), please drop me a line! tildemail or pm on irc is probably the best way to get a hold of me right now, since i'm a little more ephemeral here than usual. as always, thanks for sharing your feels. --- oh, for new folks: ~endorphant/bin/ttbp-beta exists :)