2021-04-09 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ I spent a little bit of the evening (and some of the work day) getting set up with a new terminal emulator. I've switched from GNOME Terminal on Linux and iTerm 2 on OSX to using Kitty. I initially was drawn to Kitty because it lets you output PNGs right to your terminal and view them in the text -- so you can do something like `cat foo.png | icat`. I will probably never seriously use this feature, or even remember it exists when it would be useful. But, what is good: it's very fast, it uses OpenGL, and it has great (and flexible) font rendering. Also also, it's native to Wayland and also to macOS. I am hoping that my having a consistent terminal, alongside my consistent vim and tmux, that I'll struggle less when switching between computers any my muscle memory for things (like switching tabs) is wrong. I guess we'll see.