2021-05-08 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ I have finally gotten two UARTs working from NetBSD on the Allwinner/sunxi V3s board that I bought from AliExpress. I purposely wanted to work with something more obscure and (at the same time) more mainstream than a Raspberry Pi. The Lichee Pi Zero (which is the board; honestly not much more than a breakout board and some regulators for the V3s chip) supports three UARTs and SPI and I2C. It also technically supports Ethernet via some interface that I am not (currently) interested in. I haven't used NetBSD in a very long time so in way this feels like retrocomputing -- which sounds like a diss against NetBSD but should not. Linux is this _massive_ thing now, and NetBSD has not been able to keep pace with all of the features, although it's kept current on the features it _did_ have and has added architectures. The source code is readable and once again I feel like I can (kind of) understand the system that I'm working on. Getting a second UART working means that I can run PPP over one of the serial channels (to /dev/ttyAMA0 on a Pi400 running Linux) and still have a serial console and access the kernel debugger on the other serial port. All of this is working towards a medium-term project for me: add a driver to the NetBSD kernel. Specifically, a driver for the ENC28J60 SPI-attached Ethernet controller. (I expect many crashes, which is why access to the debugger is neccessary) I don't really need this, but working through the datasheets of a small system and writing C (and learning about DTB) has been a really pleasant experience. Not sure why; I don't want to overanalyse. Anyway this is closer to a blog post than a .project update so bye!