2021-11-06 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ It's been a minute. I've had a week full of pair programming (which is good), last week I was in Toronto (also good). I took the train, it's about 4 hours each way, and a great way to travel. Given that I might be doing a Chicago to San Francisco rail journey (or longer) next year, it's good to know that 4 hours didn't phase me. I've continued down the ARM64 rabbit hole by replacing my x131e with a pi400 which I am netbooting on NFS. Replacing the thermal paste did not make it run any cooler, while this thing is silent. It's technically slower, per core, but it has four cores vs. the x131e's two cores, so it ends up around the same speed when I can `make -j 4`. It's been a weekend of getting stuff done: finally installed a base board heater we bought weeks ago (and have been talking about since last Winter) and it was a cinch. Can't believe I put it off so long! I think Dylan and I have finally ended up with working settings for his resin 3D printer which lowers our failure rate (although we did have one failure today, it's pretty demoralizing at times). I now have the best quality benchy I've ever held. I picked up some broken stuff from Value Village and fixed it up -- an Xbox 360 controller with a broken trigger which was missing the USB convertor cable (the round thing to USB part of the cable, which I think was there as a quick release?). Due to the magic of "being a packrat" I had one of those adaptors in a box, and I was able to take apart the trigger mechanism and repair it with glue. Getting it back together was a fight, but it works now, and I can print a new trigger if this one totally fails. That might be it for obsessions for now: still ARM64, but not much else. No movement on Windows programming and very little lathe / metal work or CNCing. Just thinking about things.