2022-11-23 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ Typed out and deleted the phrase "sysadmin is my love language" in a DM with someone. I deleted it because actually it's true. I run Mastodon out of my basement because it's a thing I can do for my friends. I take it seriously because people I care about will be frustrated when it doesn't work. It's why I host my brother's email, even though I outsource my own to Fastmail. Maybe I'm just over emotional today, but I was also explaining to someone about tilde.town -- how it's altered the course of my life and it's a place where people can be enthusiatic about things without irony or risk of ridicule. My favourite topic for #tildetown has always been "vilmibm made space for us all in his heart and server": I know running this place isn't always easy, but thank you vilmibm for the amazing love you show your friends by doing it <3 <3 <3