2022-12-20 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ Pupdate: I only did 6 days of AoC but it was good to refresh my C++. I'll probably end up doing the same 6 days in Clojure, too, to build that muscle. Not only did someone else write an ActivityPub implementation in Clojure but it's literally someone I work with. Small world? I guess? Anyway, there's is good and I was constantly bumping into the limits of my Clojure knowledge while building so I was probably being too ambitious with that. Now I can use theirs! I am at the stage of vacation where I have to keep looking up what day it is as days are meaningless. (I am still moored to the ~9AM to ~11PM diurnal cycle due to the dogs' needs). I have come to dislike trying to plan my days. The phrase "what are you plans" is generally upsetting. Very lately came to the realisation that I put things on my Todoist not so that I will do them, but so that I can stop thinking about my queue of things to do. (I _do_ end up doing a lot of them, but actually just freeing up the mental capacity is the main win, IMO).