2023-03-05 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ In some of my hobbies, I am beginning to develop preferences for materials and that's kind of pleasing. I think that as a computer-person-for-money (Staff Engineer) one of the main things I do is "have preferences and opinions which you can back up with experience". Developing preferences in some of my skill-based hobbies means I am going from the "go to the shop and buy random material because I don't know what I'm doing" phase into a more deliberate practice. For leather, I extremely like working with heavy tooling vegetable tanned leather. By far-far-far. I don't even know why I _have_ chrome tanned and pre-dyed stuff; it doesn't suit what I want to make. For the metal lathe I want to make things out of aluminium or brass which fits through the bore-hole in the centre of the chuck. It is so much more work to turn larger materials. I've tried a bunch of pigments and media for painting -- the most natural is turning out to be acrylic and the most interesting so far is applying oils with small spatulas. Pastels and water colours can fuck off. Anyway, this is not just to boast that I am getting good enough to even care what materials I am using -- it's also because I'm trying to notice these things more. To feel the differences between "I practiced my craft and it felt great" and "I noodled around, it was okay, I guess".