2023-05-02 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ I got a new camera for Christmas because I was getting back into photography and had started taking photos and processing them properly with Affinity Photo and since getting a new camera I don't think I've taken fewer photos in my life. lol. --- I updated my "real" website with an aesthetic that pleased me. Something that I used to do with my ~ was to write all the HTML by hand and redesign it every few months. Now, since I have a static site generator (TM), I just tweak the templates a little which is more useful (for writing) but less fun and expressive. Although I tweaked the finger/gopher versions to look a bit nicer, too. --- A photographer I like from Flickr has been posting AI generated imagery in their own style. It has provided some food-for-thought. On one hand, seeing generated images on Flickr is just a different experience than on a website like Reddit where they are being exhibited _as_ AI-generated. On the other hand; he really has nailed his style, which is already heavily processed and retouched. If the important part is the artistic intention and not just the tools used to create something, then why is my bias so strongly against diffusion models? --- Continuing with some Guile and I started to do actual Neovim + Conjure based live development from my editor and I see why people really think that's a killer feature. It sure is fun! A REPL which persists and grows with you.