2023-08-21 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ It's my last week of work at Shopify. I'm swimming in feelings. I worked there for seven years. I moved to Canada for it. It's impossible to separate my initial experiences in this country from my job: the first days it snowed when I came home from work, waiting for the bus in the Winter, coming home and sharing whatever new lingo I'd learned in the day. Work was the main place I met Canadians, given that my family is all British -- although Shopify was reasonably diverse and many folks had moved here just like me -- I was just as likely to share some new Argentinian expression. I have nostalgia for people who I used to work with who have left and when things were simpler (either for me, or in general). Soon, I'll have nostalgia for the people who are still there, who I have left. I have a really specific feeling for when it's dark outside but there's ~3000K light and cork floors, the place is half-empty and the office felt warm and pleasant. I don't think I have felt as cozy in any place outside of my home: that's a weird thing for a place of work, but I will miss that.