2023-11-20 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ I built that little computer I mentioned in the last update and it delights me. I made the case out of laser-cut 6.35mm plywood primed and painted grey. It has made me reconsider my computing environments (again!) -- and I have once again relegated my `box` computer to the basement to operate headless. That's the machine with the proper "oomph" for things like Rust development etc and I'm running a headless X at a reasonably low resolution so I can VNC into it. Also, I became a citizen. That felt good and was emotional. I didn't even mind the three hour wait at the passport office to get my first Canadian passport. (Well, to apply for it, it should be ready next Friday, so I can come back from Ireland without problems). I am feeling okay at the moment although the last few weeks have been up and down for all sorts of reasons; family, my mum, tiredness, imposter syndrome and general anxiety. Here's to a calmer future, maybe.