April 14th, morning Two days of snow, can you believe it? Things are going to hell in a handbasket and the leader of the free world's gone completely frothing-at-the-brain insane, but at least spring is here and the weather's nice... oops, nope, don't even have that anymore. Life continues. Been busy with work. Someone pushed out a bunch of new assets and forgot to optimize them so they're about ten times the size of a regular update's worth of assets. It's cool, lkosov, the asset servers are on gbit connections and your email the other day said we're only consistently saturating 100MBps, we've got plenty of room for growth! Made soup of one sort or another several times. Also made burrito bowls the other night; some seasoned leftover pork with onion and pepper, some seasoned rice, refried beans, cheese, sour cream... made for some nice variety. We're coming up on one month of pandemic and isolation, and still doing fairly well for food, thanks in large part to the three grocery deliveries we were able to get, and the one trip to the grocery store I made last week. It's weird how quickly, how _easily_, this became "the new normal". I think life post-pandemic is going to be very different for a lot of folks, myself included. It seems like all I do is cook, clean, and work... and it's kind of true. Get up, check email, make coffee and breakfast for two. Work, make bread perhaps, make lunch. Work, make dinner, do dishes... go read or play a game. Repeat. I know that seems pretty normal, but dinners these days take an hour, two hours, three hours to make, especially for soups and so on. Bread is an all-day thing, what with the making and multiple risings and baking and everything. Even breakfast, which used to often just be a banana or bowl of cereal, is now often hot oatmeal or pancakes or something else that takes twenty to thirty minutes. I miss bananas, lol. Anyway, snow notwithstanding, we're still doing okay. I hope you are as well. More updates when I've got the time.