20 March update Had to go out to deposit a check at my credit union, which is small and derpy and doesn't do online deposits, sigh. Took the opportunity to stop at the upscale food co-op, since it was on the way home. This netted us several pounds of fruit and vegetables, a couple pounds of barley, some more butter, some cheese, a pound of sausage, a bag of flour, and a two-pound corned-beef brisket. My roommate ventured to the local latino mercado, and came back with still more fruit, some more cheese, several packages of tortillas, and some soap and tampons. I think this puts us in a pretty good place in terms of supplies, but I guess time will tell. Compared to the last time I was outside, the city seems dramatically more empty. Traffic, vehicular and pedestrian, is light to non-existent. A lot of stores are closed, and a the two markets we've been to were both pretty heavily picked over. The mercado in particular was apparently really cleaned out, especially of staples like beans and rice. The co-op I went to caters to a very different demographic, and had been less raided on staples, but but was just sort of uniformly... depleted. I've been hearing stories that a lot of stores have run out of meat, but that doesn't seem to be an issue around here... at least yet. Very tempted to venture out to the nearest butcher's for a couple pounds of bacon, though... just in case. I've got two loaves of bread rising in the kitchen, as I type this. Hopefully that'll last us a week or so, knock on wood. I thought about trying to track everything we eat on a daily basis, see what our calorie intake is and how it trends... or how fast it trends downward, I guess. Decided not to, because it's just going to be depressing, and because it's irritatingly complicated. How many calories are in a bowl of homemade chicken soup? I could probably sit down and work out a ballpark guess, but that doesn't exactly sound like fun. We're already kind of rationing what we've got, and counting just how much, or little, that amounts to would just be depressing. Other than that, we're doing okay. Yesterday was rainy and cold and gloomy all day, but today's sunnier and nicer. More updates to come, hopefully.