Journal of the Pandemic, 01 May Sorry for not updating in a while, Internet. I've been fine, just busy. The weather's finally gotten sort of nice. I went for the first bike ride of the year, which was nice, but felt really weird, after well over a month basically spent indoors avoiding people. We're still doing okay on food, thanks to the orders we've gotten from Amazon. Though that seems like it could start to change here. I've been hearing from people online about shortages at grocery stores again--meat, poultry, and produce being the most common. Also eggs, I guess? I went to the local mercado yesterday, and they had plenty of meat (beef and pork both) and chicken. And absurd amounts of rice and beans, which is clearly what people are buying. Pallets of the stuff, all over the place. Most of the other stuff, though, they were very low on. They had a very little amount of corn flour... and no wheat flour at all. I tried to get flour from Amazon... no luck. Tried to get flour from Prime Now... no luck. Tried to get flour from Whole Foods... no luck. I tried to get flour from a local high-end grocery store, through Instacart... no luck. It's not critical for me, yet; we've still got about five pounds left, which'll last us about a week. But, oof... I feel bad for people who're actually out. The trip to the mercado was my first trip anywhere in almost two weeks. Since this all started, I think I've only been out in public... three times? And my roommate went out once, to hunt for deodorant and tampons. So we're doing pretty good, as far as isolating goes, I guess. Despite a bunch of protests by idiots, the state here remains closed, basically; they just extended the shelter-in-place order for another two and a half weeks. I'm just astounded by the stupidity of some people. Um, guys? The death toll's still going up. We've just hit another new daily death record. This thing is in no way, shape, or form over. Sigh. I got my "stimulus" check from the government last week, and splurged on a treat, if you can even call it that. I spent fifty bucks to upgrade the RAM on my PC, from 4GB to 16GB. Makes for a big improvement, and I should have done it long ago. So that was nice. I felt a little bad about it, but... it's important to do nice things for yourself now and then, right? Especially in these kind of depressing days. Going to have to mow the lawn in a week or so, which is my unofficial benchmark for the beginning of spring. That's it for me for today. I'll try to update more regularly, if anything happens. In the meantime, stay well, and do good.