An Update, And Stuff I'm still around, just haven't phlogged in a while. A lot has happened in the last couple months, which I guess I'll try to get through here fairly quickly. My roommate and I both got the 'rona about a week after the election. We splurged for their birthday and got some takeout food delivered by one of the services, and we're pretty sure we got it from the (non-mask-wearing, naturally) driver. So we both spent about a week feeling terrible, and then both took a long while to recover anything like fully; about seven weeks, in my case. A few months later, I'm still not convinced I'm back at 100%. Happily work was extremely understanding and accommodating. I didn't keep updating the pandemic journal thing because I at first didn't have the energy, ironically because of having gotten the virus, and later because sharing how we were coping with everything had ceased to be cathartic and just triggered depression at the itemized realization of how bad the world has become. The trial of Derek Chauvin, he whom killed George Floyd, came and went, and we escaped another uprising/breakdown, though there were riots and curfews and all those wonderful things around the same time in connection with a completely different killing, sigh. I've been doing a lot of reading, have some interesting projects in the works. More on those shortly. I got my second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine last weekend, so *next* weekend I am officially immunized and can go out in public again. Whether I will or not remains to be seen.