so im quite excited, at the end of june, me and my family are gonna go all the way up to the yukon! itll be a few days of driving tho, which im not really looking forward to but im excited to see what it'll be like, ive never been that far up north before, and its the summer solstace so all night will be bright as day, i hope ill be able to go to sleep lol. im finished my comp class and need to book an exam soon, im a bit behind on my english tho and i think i need to request a class extension, otherwise ill only have until the end of july to finish my assignments and do the exam. wew. ive probably said this in some previous posts but i really think im just gonna go with one class at a time, i spend too much time focusing on the one im more interested in and i fall behind on the other, not good. i think i have undiagnosed adhd and executive funtioning issues too, whenever i need to focus, i feel frozen sitting here watching youtube with my document in the background, it sucks!!