How to trick or treat: If a house has its lights on it is acceptable to ring the doorbell and ask for candy. If the lights are off then an airhorn may be necessary to recive candy. I want to challenge myself to write everyday. It is hard because when I am not writing I know what to say but the second I sit down my mind blanks. It is erally annnoying. On another note (it has been a few hours since I wrote the first part) participaing in this community has made me learn a lot more about bash, python and vim which I am happy about. I have changed vim so that I can move the cursor between wrapped line. I still want to learn how to use cron on a shared system, I syspect that it is not hard but this is my first time not having root access to a linux machine. It would be cool to append some sort of word count to the end of ttbp entried at the end of each day. I fear my eagerness may have gone too far. I spent 1.5 hours today trying to create a script that would bypass ttbp's menu system and bring mt straight into vim. I wanted this because I use my laptop to check in and write during the day. Each time I close the lid I need to log back in to my home server, then, then open and navigate feels. Needless to say, the script was a failure. I think next time I will try to use python instead of bash. Signing off, -maxii P.S. the sing off is super cheesey, right? Whatever, we are trying to live a dying art. P.P.S. I just read a few "global feels" it is sad that so few people in this world know how to use the command line, and even fewer use it for a social purpose. It is sad.