I have not written an update for a few days which I am sad about. I snowed last night where I live, it came pretty early this year. Every year it is a struggle as my dog thinks that snow is food and refuses to walk around and do his business. The snow was nice because school was cancelled but the show was also moved back to sunday and I will be unable to attend on sunday. I have been thinking about how I write lately. Lately, I have been thinking about how I write. When I write these feels I dont really go back and fix grammar mistakes. These pieces are an exercise in writing, a thing to look back upon, and a commitment to the command line, so everything does not have to be perfect. I realized that the reason I use "as" instead of "beacuse" is that my 6th grade ass of an english teacher (Mr. Byrne, I still think our an asshole) did not let us use because in a sentence but allowed "as" as a replacement despite that fact that sentence structure was the same. I was going to write more but it is late and it is already the next day. I have a few hours free tomorrow so hopefully i can get back into the swing of things and write daily.