I finally installed fedora today. Goodbye windows! I am not really sure if I like gnome or not. I like how it works but it is hard to configure and deal with. It has been a few hours and I am conflicted. I like how gnome handles windows but Cinnamon looks better and I think I wil be more productive if I use Cinnamon. IDK. linux has turned my 2 GTX 970s into bricks. Also sound does not work. I will need to dig out an old sound card from a milllion years ago b/c it is the only one I have. A lot if this is redundant anyway because I need to keep a widnows box next to my main desktop anyway. I can t stream twitch on linux in chromium and some things just cant be installed. I wish I had two identical boxes, one linux and one windows so I am not giving up performance in either world. This is also the first computer I have ever had that detected my printer without any trouble. But it wont print double sided