I've been pretty depressed lately. I guess that's probably not a shock. When someone doesn't write to their blog for a long while, or drops off social media, it's either that, or otherwise they're having a very full life offline. I haven't been doing that, I dare to say. I haven't done that for over two years now. The figure drawing class has been going well. Like I mentioned before, I'm not totally inexperienced at drawing from live models, but it had been a long time. I've come to feel like it's an enormous privilege to have access to a professional model who will pose for long stretches of time. It's a hard job. I mean physically hard, even for seated poses. I don't know if you've ever tried to sit completely still for even a few minutes at a time, but it is taxing. I'm eminently grateful to the models. It's been really helpful to get instructor feedback, too, although to be honest I've been treating it mostly as a social activity. It is exactly like me, when trying to come up with a social activity, to default to school. Our state and local mask mandates are expired, at least for now, and most everyone is acting like we're back to normal. I'm more tentative, and still wear masks in indoor spaces, but I'm excited for spring anyway. I'm excited to spend more time outdoors, do more outdoor dining. Maybe this is the year I'll finally get to travel again. I'm not banking on it, but I'm holding out hope. I've decided I'm going to take up hiking if all else fails. I need some kind of reliable activities outside the house. I always feel better when I get out more, even if I'm not particularly outdoorsy by nature.