# Time Away So this weekend, I have done something I have not done in a long time. I took time away from my job! Normally weekends are filled with lesson plans and grading with a smattering of research. I decided that maybe part of my problem is that I am wrapping too much of my identity in my work. So this weekend, I hiked and went to church and did little else. Today's service was a lovely kickoff for holy week. I am looking forward to observing the week by taking time out to read the gospels and buy lots of candy for my kids to enjoy this Sunday. Tending to a little of my spiritual needs may help me feel less out of place. Or at the very least, it may help me to not care so much! On the topic of tilde.town, which I am continuing to explore, I have to say that I love the botany program! I especially like the bbj thread that I saw where people were watering each other's virtual plants while they were away. What a remarkably human place this is! Even though I have thus far conversed with relatively few of you, I somehow feel very connected to this place. SDF seems to be all about computer. tilde.town is all about humans!