Recent weeks I have been struggling with depression wave again. I can still remember days where I felt different than now, I know I can get there again. It just needs something to happen / change, and I will be allright again, I will be able to concentrate. What annoys me the most is the slowness, as if all was suspended in some gluey substance. And difficulty to manage my memory. All seems stuck and deteriorating. I try to focus on things I have to do, keep balance, be patient with myself. I know where it all comes from. Maybe it is 30's crisis, for sure frustration about not having achieved enough, not having the same opportunities as others. From outside every grass is greener. One thing I thought that can make me feel better is to gather all my dispersed identities. I try to have anonymous identity, but then I always miss some planification steps, and the identities I am generating get back linked to one another and to my legal one. I am getting tired of that, it dissipates my energies. And as I am needing some change in how my life goes, I have been thinking about connecting things I have done / wrote under one place. Still, some more reflection is necessary. For now, I installed jekyll on the RaspberryPi we have at home, and I installed and configured Hiawatha web server. It is great, I really like its philosophy: lightweight, minimal, easy to manage, documentation is there, and secure. Between apache, nginx and this one, it feels the most Unix-like one, following "do one thing and do it well" motto. The bad part is that its developper has just announced like 2 weeks ago withdrawing from active developpment of it, after 17 years... My partner installed some minimal jekyll theme that we will tune and then we still need to configure dynamic dns to plug a domain. Everything points to something linked to "submarine", inspired by "Autonomous" book. Also, I apreciate my partner being there, we share sense of humour so there is always something funny to at least temporarly remove me from the awkwarness. I hope you all are doing fine. I read on BBJ that someone that was not doing too well got back things together. Great to hear that. Hopefully I will write soon something similar.