# Severak pretending to be cat http://tilde.town/~severak/ ## 2020-09-02 15:20 Today I created my Gemini blog at gemini://gemlog.blue/users/severak/ ## 2020-05-15 10:51 today I created https://tilde.town/~severak/gallery/ ## 2020-05-06 09:02 When I was in lockdown, I spent my time recording music and working on my VST plugins - check out https://tilde.town/~severak/studio/ ## 2019-10-24 15:18 got together list of my software pet projects - https://tilde.town/~severak/software.html ## 2019-09-26 07:48 My BBS is now public at bbs.svita.cz ## 2019-09-10 07:20 Just started my own BBS yesterday. It's not ready yet, but I will let you know. ## 2019-08-19 07:27 Last week I returned to reality from my holiday. It was really hard return and I had mini-breakdown from it. I needed some distraction so I started playing and creating interactive fiction. ## 2019-08-14 07:20 @dustin I know that feeling of shouting into void. Also, I am somewhat stalker at social networks. ## 2019-08-13 15:28 Ewige Blumenkraft! ## 2019-08-02 07:03 You play loud techno to your columbine. ## 2019-07-31 07:13 Just read about kidnapping of Aldo Mori. The 1970's Italy was really wild and full of conspiracies. ## 2019-07-24 12:53 I am reading about history of public toilets and it's extremely interesting shit - https://toilet-guru.com/public-toilets.php ## 2019-07-23 08:40 A Fake Nude of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Was Debunked By Foot Fetishists - Vice News at it's best. ## 2019-07-22 10:30 ~lunasspecto: your autoethnography is really interesting to read. When I read it it I compared it to my own life and experiences. ## 2019-07-22 07:57 At the weekend I visited geology exposition in small town called Říčany near Prague. See photos from that day - https://www.zonerama.com/metropolis/Album/5464950 ## 2019-07-19 07:10 Currently struggling with loneliness and demotivation. ## 2019-07-18 15:36 Just implemented little script which turns my own timeline to TXT file so it can be used as my phlog. Use it like /home/severak/timeline2txt > output.txt ## 2019-07-18 07:34 I am just researching blogpost about ecological consequences of using planes vs using ships (or other transport modes). It turns out to be more complicated problem than I think before, but anyway planes are bad. ## 2019-07-17 07:17 I was reading very interesting article about disappearance of Emmanuela Orlandi. This story and it's surrounding contains everything - the mafia, pope, financial sector and even secret masonic lodge acting as shadow goverment. Late 1970s and early 80s was very wild times at Italy. No wonder that giallo was popular there, they basically lived it. ## 2019-07-16 07:10 At the weekend we visited Czech paradise and found some opals, agates and calcite here.