Unhappy with my friends-turned-roommates... I decided recently to start ignoring them more, because my constant attempts to give them attention went unappreciated and it just felt weird. I have trouble ignoring people, so I decided to try doing it purposefully. It feels cold, but it definitely helps with always being distracted by others when I'm busy doing something. I'm at the point though where I don't really have the desire to try with them. In a way, I don't think it's worth it. They'll never be emotionally available or be the kind of people _I_ want them to be. And that would be fine and we could be friends, IF they were interested in me at all. They're never really encouraging though. If they ever pay attention to my interests, it always sounds really disingenuine, half-assed, and monotone. And they don't really like talking about emotional or personal stuff either, so it's like what are we even gonna do if we _are_ friends? They really don't seem interested. And ... /sigh, I don't want to put nails in any coffins, but I think I'm just about there. Not interested. :( It's sad and I don't want it to be this way but I'm not sure what else to do. I could just treat them as... people I do projects with... I guess... /sigh That's so empty though. One of my roommates describes himself as someone who doesn't just give out how he feels or what he's thinking; he wants others to ask him about it. And ok, fair, I mean I can start the conversation. What I can't do is constantly drag your problems out of you. You're putting so much of the emotional workload on me doing that. It's impossible. So like, even if he wants to talk about stuff, he's presented himself in a way that is massively discouraging. I can't imagine trying to support someone who says they're my friend but is also extremely cagey about all of their feelings. Any tips?