Hello feels engine. Hello ~town. Hello pubnix space. Hello gopher. Life is Just Fine(tm). I forgot, I need to write a phlog post about "just fine" at some point, as I'm not entirely sure it means the same thing to other people as it does to me. Someone said something just a tiny bit different, and it caused me to question my reality. People do that, it's one of the reasons I like people. Health status: 95%. There's this rash on the top of my hand that was there last winter, and came back this winter. A seasonal rash. I have no idea what it is, but it doesn't spread on my body or to other people. It's visible though, and that drives me nuts because I'm sensitive to social abnormalities in myself. After last winter, it sort of just went away. I seem to recall some treatment I came up with, but I'm not sure if it was winter leaving or my treatment that worked. Mental health status: 80%. No complaints here, because I know it could be a whole lot worse. Existential stuff mostly, and primarily related to my responsibilities to provide for my family. Again, no complaints really, just stuff I'm dealing with (often poorly). Chronic issues at this point, if I'm being honest. That might tell me something about how I need to change as far as coping strategies go. Hobby status: 50%. Too much SDF minecraft (see "coping" above). It's amazing how wasting time saps one of their ability to enjoy the things that they really do enjoy. Hope is on the horizon, in the form of some double-sided prototype board coming soon, a soldering project for one of the z80 builds, and perhaps an arduboy. Work status: 75%. Things aren't looking good in the company that is my main (well, only remaining) client. The plight of the self-employed is a constant worry about whether or not there will be a need for your business. I suppose that's the plight of everyone that works. My chosen strategy here is to change careers and become a writer. Writing status: 65%. I finished my first novel. I've started plenty of these things, and now I'm learning to finish them. I'm on draft 3, which I've sent out to family and one friend. I need to phlog about that as well. Pubnix status: 50%. Too much minecraft (see "coping" above). I really appreciate pubnix and gopher, but they don't work unless people participate (at least as social platforms). I need to participate more. The other aspect is the great benefit I get from participation, which is healthy for me mentally. And, that is all that comes to mind. I hope your life is filled with joy, or at least hope. If you've got neither, I hope you continue to search for it passionately. - tfurrows