Finished the first book of the story of civilization, and blimey was a journey. As it was written in 1935 by an American it got pretty heavy going for the last two parts, on China and Japan respectivley. Will Durant was prophetic in his predictions: China whould not overcome it's difficulties and ruin would follow; that in 100 years it would never-the-less be a world power economically; that Japan, while ignored in kind, was learning all it can from America; and finally, that it was probably inevitable that a future war between Japan and America was coming, probably to the suprise of the US. I sometimes realise that reading even history books effects my mood far more then it is healthy too. I had trouble sleeping and couldn't tell why for a few days until I finished it. I need to get better at controlling this affect, as I do struggle with it. If I think I have upset someone, however minor, I cannot help to dwell on it for weeks, long after the other party has forgotton I even exist. Still, onto Book 2, "The Life of Greece"...