so soon, I am going to have a bit more of an in-depth discussion about this potential new thing. I am very cautiously optimistic. I'm supposedly the only one that took this seriously, so that's one thing that at least doesn't really work against me. I wonder if I'd be capable of the attitude needed for some other jobs. I'm overly apologetic at my current one, mostly because... I'm dealing with things people need to live comfortably -- and in some cases, live period. I feel like shit when something goes wrong, even if it's not my fault. (It's rightfully so a lot of the time when people get angry, though honestly they should get in touch with us a bit before they run out so they're ensured they'll get what they need. multiple people come by, and multiple people need the same thing, so it's not always a guarantee that we'll always have everything in stock, even if we try our goddamn best to.) The Pi overclocked pretty successfully to 1.25ghz. I'm trying out Ubuntu MATE on it now, since I haven't really tried to use an "out of the box" distro extensively for years now and honestly I don't have the energy to keep poking at everything to keep it working all the time. It's a bit of an exaggeration, but audacious seemingly doesn't want to play audio on my Arch setup anymore and I just don't have the energy to troubleshoot it like I used to. (Which is a shame, as Arch is a speed demon compared to Raspbian, at least.) also damn, I still haven't fixed my header. Maybe I should do that soon.