I've been debating asking for consistent full-time closing hours. On one hand, I'd have consistent hours again -- no more schedules jerking around like a fucking madman. I'd be making a bit more, and they'd have to pay out benefits to me. (Tripling my time off accumulation from one hour per 43.33 hours worked to one hour per ~17 worked would be pretty nice. I'd actually be able to take some time off at the end of the year!!) I imagine the inconsistencies are part of why I've been so irritable and erratic as of late. On the other hand, though, I feel like I'm already getting stretched thin enough (they push me as hard as absolutely possible). I'd be around even less, and you could say goodbye to talking to any friends from another timezone. It'd be like slamming the book shut on some friendships. can't I get one of those jobs where you can get away with having something open on the side as long as your work gets done? please? (it'd probably pay better too, lol) This is what I was afraid of, part of why I delayed so long: I was afraid of it destroying any semblance of a life I had, which it's been doing. They made someone else full-time recently, too, so any leverage I had was pretty much gone. I'm no longer the pillar holding them up. I just need someone to talk to about this, physically.