work: Holy shit, this weekend was actually fairly good! Shame this is probably only a one-time deal. Mario Maker is a funny thing. Before release, I was extremely hyped up for it. The thought of making a level and offering it to everyone to play, through officially sanctioned methods, was super appealing! And then the game hit. While its level creator is actually really solid, going to play levels is another thing altogether. You'll find the occasional okay, or even good level, buried under mounds of shit. Be it overly-easy coin spam shit, just flat shit, or cheap-deaths-everywhere shit. (The latter I have no qualms in skipping. If I die because I didn't hold a direction as soon as the level started, your level gets skipped.) It's... honestly really turned me off the game. I haven't played a 100-mario challenge in months, nor have I really even checked people I'm following for new levels! There was one creator whose stuff I was really enjoying, who seems to have just stopped making levels after an initial huge burst of them. Shame. And he has enough room for more, too...