sanqui brings up an interesting point. I seem to phase between being open and talkative, myself, then suddenly kinda shutter down for no real reason. Probably nerves. The fear that if people see what's truly going on in my mind, they'll abandon me? This absolutely relates to the internet's more aggressive nature. I'm fearful, still, of making just one minor misstep that infuriates someone. I'm not above being nudged in the right direction (and in fact encourage it, even if initially at times I may seem a little defensive because I'm caught off guard), but what scares me is the possibility of basically being labeled "bad", so to speak. I'm pretty sure I don't really have anything to worry about, in this regard. Hell, I try my hardest not to interfere with people... to a fault, really. I'm afraid to nudge people because I don't want to interrupt them. All this shit I'm trying to work on. Still doing okayish on the "trying to meet people" front, I guess. I still need to be more active here.