I'm such a bundle of nerves lately. Weekends certainly don't help (going to work for a long day while tired is so fun guys right :)), but there's also other stuff. Things have just been a mess these past couple weeks, and I'm trying to break down these "walls" so to speak where I can. Weekends should hopefully end soon (with someone returning to classes, weekends will probably be his best bet for work), and with that some nerves in other areas, possibly. It'll probably require some reformatting of the sleep schedule if I get that consistent 15:00-21:00 shift, but it'll probably be doable. The only thing that'd suck would be the pay hit, but eh, it wouldn't be all that bad. I could use everything I could get, but above all, I could use an actual consistent schedule that doesn't leave me randomly drained. as far as phones go, I may have to end up just going with a tiny USB disk with a big capacity. The options with a MicroSD card that don't suck are just too limited anymore, and it's infuriating. (I recently realized the only reason I'd be willing to put up with this would be the far easier file transfer... I've had some stupid issues with it on my current phone, which now requires using an external reader, lest the files just... don't show up. It's dumb, and I dunno what to blame.) I just don't like having that external piece to forget/lose, but eh... The workposts will probably slow down soon. Seems like they've been getting a bit more sparse, which is always good